
24 de septiembre de 2007

Misgivings about Hope

Misgivings about Hope
(by Danny del Mazo)


Nothingness is nothingness, promise is in eternity.

Troubling are two separate lives. The outward one with its fitting “hellos” and “goodbyes”
And the inward one, where the deep corridors of the mind echo the many shades of “hello” and “goodbye” in meaning, dream, and desire.

It pains to live in the two, unbearable at times. The schism divides our loyalties. In hardship, a sweet moment in time can be lost in the fight, dribbling into nothingness.

Without a single moment to dream upon, desire from, or find meaning in . . . why bother living in a worthless “now”?


GeNeRaCiOn AsErE/Danny del Mazo (L.A.California)

1 comentario:

  1. Danny, recuerdas lo que nos dijo Ophelia?

    ‘Lord, we know what we are, but not what we may be...’


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