
12 de agosto de 2007


Una sola bandera. photo by arimarfilia

5 comentarios:

  1. Me parece que la bandera quiere volar para Miami!

  2. ¡AH, caramba que bueno!
    Ella como nosotros, también tiene el derecho a pedir su asilo político.
    La ley de ajuste es para todos los cubanos Marc.

    Dag, tony.

  3. quien sabe si la mandaron para Cuba pero es hecha en Miami.

  4. Joseph Campbell once alluded to a story of a man who climbed up the "central mountain of the world." The mountain was Harney Peak in South Dakota, which under the scrutiny of geography would not be possible if taken literally. Nonetheless, the man insisted that he did, indeed, climb the "central mountain of the world", but then he clarified the matter and stated that the "central mountain of the world" is everywhere.

    Now there is a man who truly understood the reference, the true meaning of metaphor and how one identifies himself with the world around him. Whether it is Mount. Everest, Jerusalem, the Rocky Mountains or your own backyard, we each climb the central mountain in our own hearts.- - no matter where it may be for us.

    The Cuban flag is a graphic design made of fabric, but the reference alludes to something much deeper: a symbol of identity and the ubiquity of essence, the essence of the Cuban way of life. But the flag should not be interpreted as indicative of the geography of where the "real Cubans" dwell, for such simplistic and childish ideologies curve our minds away from finding it's true meaning.

    The flag exists for all those who wish to identify themselves with what it stands for. In essence, the flag exists within yourself. Whether in Cuba, Miami, Washington D.C. or elsewhere, the person who travels the streets of Cuba within their own hearts, can truly be called a "real Cuban." And as a consequence, the real Cuba will last forever.

    danny del mazo, born in US


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